Monthly Archives: June 2006

Where to start?

I know I have been a bad blogger. There is just hardly any time leftover these days for blogging. The little one is all over the place so the majority of my day is spent running after her. The older one is out of school so I try to keep her busy too.

But I did go to my stitching retreat in Dallas Texas last month. It was just amazing. My hosts were just incredible and I did a whole lot of shopping!! Not as much as I thought I would, but still, a lot. There is just no way of trying to hold back when the prices are that low. I mean, compared to shopping here at home, everything is cheap. I bought some charts, fabric, a lap stand and a scroll frame, the linen threads from DMC, some Kreinik silks, charms and just whatever I felt like buying. It was great.
And finally meeting my stitching friends was just awesome!!! We had lots of good laughs and had fun just getting to know each other better.
I finished this needleroll while I was there:
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I changed the fabric from blue to this sand color and also changed the lace. I think it came out pretty cute. I have some pictures from the retreat here if you want to take a look. I wish I took more pictures, but it seems like I completely forgot that I actually had a camera the whole time! LOL! My first night was spent in New York so there are some pictures from there too. Oh how I loooove New York!

I have also been working on Fairy Grandmother. I started stitching on her again at the retreat and am really enjoying stitching her again. I got a little bored with her for a while (ok, for a long time) but now she is coming along great!

And then I started Mirabilia’s Petal Fairy for my older daughter. It is going to look cute hanging in her bedroom. She is going to be 7 years old next Wednesday! I just can not belive it! She is my baby!!


Filed under stitching