Monthly Archives: April 2007

Biscornu for Linda TX.

We call her Linda TX because she lives in Texas and there are two of us in the group, me and her. So she is Linda TX and I am Linda from Iceland or just plain Linda. I met Linda last year in Texas when I went to my stitching retreat. She is great just like all the other women I met while I was there. Oh man, I miss them!

So here is the biscornu I did for her. I am very happy with how it turned out. I love that pattern.

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Free pattern found here (.pdf file). Here is a picture of the back.
32ct Belfast Linen – Clay from Silkweavers
DMC #3802 and #223
Mill Hill Beads #62012

Next I am going to finish one UFO. Then I have a Newton’s Law Birth Announcement to stitch. Oh, and off course more biscornus! LOL!


Filed under free patterns, Friends, gifts, Happy Dance, stitching

Fabric and socks!

Yesterday I invited my friend Ágústa over for dinner. She had asked me to show me how to assemble a biscornu so she was coming over anyway so I threw in dinner for fun. We had chicken fajitas and it was yummie! Our friend Guðbjörg also joined us and we had a small stitching night at my house. It was a lot of fun.

Ágústa surpriced me with these beautiful pair of socks that she knitted.

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They are amazing! I feel like I am walking on clouds, they are so soft. Or at least, that is what I imagine what walking on clouds would feel like 🙂 I love them so much! Thank you Ágústa!

I also got an order of fabrics in the mail from Wyndham Needleworks.

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36ct Edinborough Linen in Rue Green, Summer Khaki, Sand and Cream for Spot of Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn by The Drawn Thread. I can’t wait to start working on these! And this fabric is so pretty. Something tells me that 36ct could easily become my favorite count. Now I love working on 32ct, but this just looks so delicate and pretty.

I am almost done with the Biscornu for Linda in Texas. I just need to assemble it and will probably do that today. I used this free pattern and it came out really well. I am thinking about putting gold beads on the sides. Hopefully I will get it assembled today and have a picture uploaded of it this evening or tomorrow 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend!


Filed under Exchanges, free patterns, Friends, gifts, stash

Happy Dance!

It didn’t take me as long as I thought to finish this one up. Thanks to my daughter Karítas who was such a sweetheart this morning and played and played and let her mommy stitch in peace. That is very rare around here that I get to stitch while she is awake because she usually wants my attention or wants to steal my stitching stuff away from me and have a go with it herself.

But it is done, finished, I am happy dancing!

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   12Blessings of Christmas by Lizzie*Kate
Stitched with DMC floss on 28ct Tattersall

If you want to see pictures of each square individually, go here. Now I am thinking about digging out a UFO before I start the biscornu for Linda in Texas. I did start one but wasn’t happy with the floss and fabric combination that I picked so I am doing something different.


Filed under Friends, gifts, Happy Dance

Easter Vacation.

I love the the time off work that I get durring Easter. It is so nice to have a LONG weekend. And look at what I won on Wednesday at work!

107-0746_IMG We have a lottery once a month. If you want to join you just bring a bottle of red or white wine and you pick a number and you are in. Then we put all the numbers in a basket and draw. I won the big prize! 10 bottles of white and red wine. (Yes there is one missing, I gave it to my X-MIL)

So what have I been upto? Well, not much really. I have just been enjoying being at home and playing with my daughter Karítas. My older daughter Sumarrós is spending this weekend with her father so it is just me and Karítas here at home taking it easy. We took a long walk by the ocean on Thursday and had dinner with my X-MIL and her family. We had a leg of lamb and it was yummie!! Yesterday we went to my parents house and I cleaned the car inside and out. It was so filthy that I had almost forgotten what it looked like. But now it is looking great and smelling nice too.I have been stitching.

Needleroll Exchange I finished the needleroll for the needleroll exchange at the LiveJournal community. You can see a little sneak preview of it on the picture (click for a larger view). I am so in love with this needleroll, it is going to me very difficult to say goodbye to it. Now I just have to pick and choose little extras to send along with it to its new home so that I can mail it after Easter.

I am also almost done with L*K’s 12 Blessings of Christmas! I only have one and a half square left. I will probably finish it tonight or tomorrow!


Filed under Exchanges, Happy Dance, life, work

My first pinkeep!

I decided some time ago to make ‘E is for embroidery’ by Prairie Schooler into a pinkeep. I have never made a pinkeep before. I am not 100% happy with the outcome, but I did learn a lot while making this one and one of the main things I learned is that this design is way to big for a pinkeep. I also need to stretch the fabric better. Oh well, you live and you learn.

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E is for Embroidery by Prairie Schooler (translated to Icelandic)
DMC Threads
16ct Fiddlers Cloth

I also have a question. Where do you all buy the decorative pins with the pearl heads? I have so few and they are so horribly expensive here. I found a box of about 40 of them for about $6.50 the other day :-/ I bought it though, just because I had so few and they had nice colors. Is there a place on-line that you can order them from for a fair price? Please if you know of a place let me know :o)


I am almost done with the needle roll. I have just been working late so I haven’t been able to finish it. But that means I will not be able to send it until after Easter. That is fine though since I am early anyways.


Filed under Exchanges, finish, Pinkeep, stitching, work