Monthly Archives: February 2007


I went home early today from work. My daycareprovider called and told me that Karítas had been throwing up. So off course I went and picked her up. Stopped at my house first to get some clothes for her though.  She seemed fine until about half an hour ago when she threw up again. And I think she might have a slight fever. She is not eating but she does drink water and apple juice. She is just watching the Teletubbies (thank you Edda) and seems to be trying to relax. Smart little baby.

The hoodie was picked up last night and the boy I was stitching for loved it. He gave me a bottle of nice red wine for my work and we both were happy. I can’t wait for my next Waste Canvas project. It is going to be a secret until it is done though 😉

I updated my Wish List today. I found lots of other stuff to add to it. Shame on me!

I have been stitching, but I am doing a piece for the cube/dice exchange in my cross stitch group, so I can’t share pictures until after March 15th. I love it though. The floss I am using is so much fun!


Filed under Allt í kross, Exchanges, life, work

Hoodie project finished!

I had a mini stitching night with my stitching friends from my Icelandic stitching group, Allt í kross, last night at Ágústa’s place. We stayed up until 2am and stitched and laughed and talked. It was a great night! I finished the hoodie I was talking about in the last post. And my fingers sure can feel it today. I am so sore. But I think it turned out wonderful. Much better than I dared to hope. And this gave me TONS of ideas of things that I would like to stitch onto clothes. My brain is raising right now.

Here is a picture of the pattern itself. Stitched with DMC 5200 and 3078 with 3 strands:
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And a picture of your’s truly wearing the hoodie:
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Here is also a picture of my Sliver Needle order because we all love looking at stash, don’t we?
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Next up is another biscornu, this one will be for Sandy. She dyed the thread that she sent me herself and I can’t wait to try it. It is white/blue/red. Just beautiful!


Filed under Allt í kross, Clothes, Exchanges, Friends, Happy Dance, stash

Ash Wednesday.

It was Ash Wednesday – Öskudagur, here in Iceland last Wednesday. The kids dress up in costumes and go out and sing in stores for some candy. That is actually a new tradition here in Iceland. When I was a kid we used to dress up in costumes and put öskupoki (a home made bag made of fabric) on people without them noticing. I enjoyed that much more than how this day has changed into candy and singing.

My daughter Sumarrós decided to be a witch and what a cute witch she was. The costume was made by my mother who is a much better seamstress than I am. We borrowed the hat and I did the make-up.
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Oh damn! My i-pod just ran out of battery and I don’t have the charger with me :-/ I am at work, on a Saturday.

I wanted to mention a new stitching project that I started this past week. It is actually quite a story to tell. My mother works at a fabric store and into the store comes a boy asking if they can or know anybody who can cross stitch an old Icelandic knot pattern into the hood of a hoodie. My mother tells him that her daughter (me) could probably do it for him. She calls me and off course I accept the challenge. I went and bought water canvas in 10ct and am stitching this beautiful pattern in white and palce yellow (DMC 5200 and 3078) on a black hoodie. I am doing it with the old Icelandic Cross stitch method. If you click the link you will see a video of how it is done.

It is quite difficult to do this because of several things.
a) I am using 3 strands of floss so I can not start using the loop method.
b) The fabric in the hoodie is very thick.
c) Using waste canvas is tricky.

But all in all I am enjoying this. It is fun to break out of your ‘comfort zone’ and do something new and different. And it is giving me lots of ideas. I can’t wait to see how this is going to turn out and off course I will share pictures once I am done.

I got an order from The Silver Needle yesterday. In it were the charms for Lizzie*Kate’s 12 Blessings of Christmas, Thread Rings and French Country III – Apple, French Country II – Lamb and Sampler Tree III all from JBW Designs 🙂

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Filed under life, stash, WIP, work

Biscornu for Brenda

I just finished stitching a biscornu for my friend Brenda. I used a free pattern that I found on-line sometime but I do not remember where. If I remember, I will link to it later.
I did something different this time around and used a different type of fabric for the back. I love how this biscornu turned out. It is much prettier in person than on the pictures.

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Side view:
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Stitched on 32ct Ice Blue Lugana and 32ct Blue-Spruce Lugana using GAST Blue Jay and Six Strand Sweets Blueberries N Cream. Mill Hill beads #00081 for the sides in every 5th stitch.


Filed under Friends, Happy Dance

Random Act Of Kindness

Oh my! First of all, a HUGE THANK YOU for my wonderful friend Hannah for sending me such a wonderful package. I didn’t even know it was coming! I am so happy and thankful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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This is what I got:
A chocolate aligator that my daughter Sumarrós was quick to snatch from me lol!
Fruit Delights candy – can’t wait to taste these.
A bundle of DMC floss.
A bundle of PJ Coats floss in a beautiful variegated red/pink-ish color.
M Desigsns – Grace Tree Ornament
Just Nan – Snow Bonnets
Just Nan – Snow Faces

And my favorite:
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Isn’t it beautiful? I absolutely love it! The finishing is just perfect! It has already been placed on my shelf of stitched things.

This RAOK couldn’t have arrived at a better time. My daughter Karítas is sick and I took her to the doctor today to get her checked out. She has a bad ear infection in one ear and a cold. No fever though. The visit to the doctor took about 2 hours! And then I had to go to the pharmacy and to the grocery store so I wasn’t feeling that bright and cheery when I got home. So last night and today have been spent with a rather unhappy baby in my arms and every mother knows how exhausting that can be. I am staying home with her tomorrow also but will probably go to work on Thursday.


Filed under Friends, life, RAOK

SBQ and lack of blogging

It has been more than a week since my last post. Since my promotion at my job I have been so tired that I have hardly stitched at all! That sucks, but I need my rest also I guess. I am going to try to make up for it this weekend. I am going to finish at least 2 biscornus that have been started but not finished. One just needs to be put together and on the other one I have done about 2/3rds of the stitching and then I need to put it together.

I also plan on going to a birthday party on Sunday. That is if my daughter Karítas isn’t getting sick. She has had a runny nose and a cough for the past 2 days but seems to be feeling fine otherwise. So I am crossing my fingers that she will not get sick over the weekend. That would be typical though. I have also invited my parents over for dinner on Sunday night. I am going to make my Mexican Chicken Lasagne for us. I love that dish, it is one of my favorites. I also need to clean house and do some laundry this weekend, just like every other weekend. It never stops, does it?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Today’s SBQ is:

Do you like to buy “chartpacks” that include charms, buttons, and/or beads or do you prefer to gather all materials yourself?

Can I say both? For some projects it is only possible to get a chartpack, but for some you are able to gather the materials yourself. I like shopping around for materials and trying to find the best deals for them. So whenever that is possible, I try to do so. I do buy chartpacks when I am in a hurry to start something or if it is the only thing available at the time.


Filed under life, SBQ, work

SBQ and another biscornu order.

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 Today’s SBQ was suggested by Danielle and is:
 Have you ever been to a stitching retreat?

Yes I have actually! I went last year to a stitching retreat that was held by my friend Tracy in Texas. There I met Brenda, Tracy, Sandy, Linda and Andrea that have all been with me in an online stitching group on Yahoo! since 2000. They hold a stitching retreat every year (or at least try to) and this was the first time I was able to make it. I had a wonderful time and Tracy and Ron are such amazing hosts. It was wonderful to finally meet the ladies I had been talking to online all those years! I wish I could go again this year but I can not afford it. One day I am going back though, maybe 2008 or 2009 :o)

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I got materials in the mail from Brenda for another biscornu. She picked out 32ct Ice Blue Lugana and GAST thread called Blue Jay for it and I think it will turn out beautiful. I have found 2 patterns that I want to use so now I think I will just toss a coin and make a start on it tonight hopefully. I need to do some housecleaning though, but nothing major.


Filed under Exchanges, SBQ

Finished biscornu, bookmark exchange and other updates

I finished the biscornu I was stitching for my friend Colleen in NY last night.

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Stitched on 28ct antique white Lugana with DMC Variations #4220. I used Mill Hill beads in blue and purple #62046 and #62047 for the edges. It is a little big, but I like it. I just hope Colleen will like it also :o)I also got a package in the mail with my bookmark from the bookmark exchange in the LiveJournal community. I love it and it has already been put to good use.

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And last night I realised that I never shared a picture of Petal Fairy framed up. My daughter Sumarrós got this for Christmas from me and loves it. She says it is the best Christmas gift she has ever gotten. I think it looks amazing on her purple wall.

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And last but not least here is an update on Stitcher’s Acessory Book. I am so in love with this project it is not even funny! This would be all I ever stitched if I didn’t have any other obligations to do :o) The colors, the pattern, the fabric it is just so beautiful.

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I am a lot better today and went to work this morning. Busy bee I am. And on that note, my lunch brake is over so I better stop this post here and get back to work!


Filed under Exchanges, Happy Dance, WIP

Testing, testing 1, 2!

Since everyone has been going crazy over how wonderful Wrodpress is, I decided to give it a try. So this is a test post to see if it is as easy and wonderful as everyone in the blogging world is saying :o)

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Filed under wordpress


This weekend ended up quite differently than it was supposed to. I was going to have a nice and relaxing time with my daughters, go out on a sled in the snow and have some fun. Well, on Saturday I hurt my leg really bad. I was limping all over and couldn’t put any weight on it. I thought I had broken it, but I took some painkillers and something to reduce swelling and when I woke up on Sunday morning it was a lot better. I am still swollen and bruised but I can walk and am not in any pain.

Yesterday I started to get a runny nose. I had a friend over for dinner (Tikka Masala chicken, rice and Rajita, yumm) and felt worse and worse throughout the evening. And off course when I finally went to bed I had a runny nose and a fever. So I didn’t go to work today :-/ I still have a fever and feel awful so I probably will not go into work tomorrow either. And I think Karítas is getting sick also. Sumarrós seems fine though.

I hardly did any stitching this weekend :-/ I am going to try to do some stitching tonight and hopefully finish up the biscornu I am doing for my friend Colleen.

I hope you all had a much better weekend than I did and that your week will be fabulous!


Filed under life