Category Archives: L&L SAL

L&L SAL update

I was supposed to update yesterday, but as I went back to work and worked the whole day (bad idea!) I was exhausted when I got home. I stitched a little last night but went to bed early and didn’t bother to take a picture, download it, upload it blog etc. I was just way to tired. So today I decided to work only half a day and I feel a lot better. I am going to rest over the weekend and hopefully that will make me feel back to normal.

But here she is. Fairy Grandmother. I have gotten lots done this week.
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I also started a needleroll for the needleroll exchange I signed up for in the LiveJournal community. I think it will be adorable when it is finished.

Me and Karítas are going to my parents house for dinner, so I better get going soon, I just wanted to share my process first 🙂 On Sunday me and my mother are going to this exhibition at the National Museum of Iceland. I can’t wait!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Filed under Exchanges, L&L SAL, life, stitching, work

Am I back?

Almost. I went to the doctor yesterday and I have Pneumonia :-/ So I am on antibiotics and under the firm orders to rest, rest rest and rest some more. So what does one do when resting? Well, stitch off course!

I have made great progress on Lizzie*Kate’s 12 Days Of Christmas:

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I have reached the halfway mark. I love this project. Each picture is so quick and easy that it gives you an almost instant satisfaction.

Yesterday was the day to udate the L&L and Mirabilia SAL and I have also been working quite a lot on Fairy Grandmother. Here is how she looked last week, and look at her now:

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I also got a wonderful surprice on Wednesday. Me and the girls were having dinner and there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it and there is Ásdís, a friend from my Icelandic stitching group. She hands me this wonderfull dice:

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Isn’t it gorgeous? I love it so much, the colors are gorgeous!

I am thinking about watching some Harry Potter and doze a little.


Filed under Allt í kross, Exchanges, L&L SAL, life, stitching

Fairy Grandmother.

Today is Mirabilia and L&L SAL day in my stitching group Allt í Kross. There are so many of us working on designs by these designers that we decided to have a special day dedicated to them. We can work on them as much or as little as we want, and then we update once a week and cheer each other on with our projects.

I am working on Fairy Grandmother by Lavender and Lace. This is my previous update of her since November 9th last year! Oh my! I didn’t realise it had been that long since I worked on her. But I have been doing some stitching on her the last couple of days so she is slowly but surely growing a little.

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I hope I will work on her more for next weeks update. But I do have another biscornu to do for my friend Sheila. She has already sent me the fabric and thread so I just need to pick out the perfect pattern and stitch it.

And now I need to go to bed. I am so exhausted. I worked for 11 hours today and yesterday. I normally work 8 hour days so adding 3 more hours can be exhausting.


Filed under Allt í kross, Friends, L&L SAL, WIP, work