Monthly Archives: December 2010

2010 in knitting and stitching

I always like to end my year to look back and go over the crafts I have done over the past 12 months. This year was a new low in stitching for me, but a record year in knitting. I will start with the stitching. I only stitched two projects this year!

Stitching projects 2010

1) Pattern: ‘Heart Stitcher’ freebie from A mon ami Pierre – finished as a pinkeep
2) Pattern: Snow Faces by Just Nan – finished as an ornament

Knitting projects 2010

1) Design: 18 Var – from Lopi 29, by Védís Jónsdóttir
2) Pattern: Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmermann
3) Lopapeysa for my daughter Sumarrós – design is a mix of various Lopi designs
4) Pattern: Henri the Knitted Bear by Rachel Borello
5) Pattern: Boneyard Shawl by Stephen West
6) Pattern: Odessa by Grumperina
7) Pattern: Lacy Baktus by Terhi Montonen
8) Pattern: mixed and matched 3 different designs to make this dress for a friends sister
9) Pattern: Hlekkur from Lopi 28
10) Pattern: Dressy sweater by Pickles
11) Pattern: The Age of Brass and Steam Kerchief by OrangeFlower
12) Dressy Sweater – Mini version for Sumarrós
13) Lopapeysa for Inga Rún: Design is a mix and match of a couple of designs that I matched to her liking.
14) Pattern: #22 Cape by Lana Grossa
15) Pattern: Jacket in ”Alpaca” and ”Glitter” with 2-colour pattern in raglan by DROPS design
16) Pattern: Bring It On Baby Blanket by Anna & Heidi Pickles
17) Pattern: Haruni by Emily Ross
18) Pattern: Citron by Hilary Smith Callis – no photos yet as I did not manage to photograph it before giving it away.
19) Black Hoodie out of Lopi for a friend – no photos and now the sweater is ruined 😦
20) 3 preemie hats for the premature ward at the national hospital. A charity project.

So yeah. All in all a pretty decent year in finishes! I am not counting the projects that I have started and not finished. I am not going to drag myself down because of those haha. I am going to try and be a good girl next year and stitch and knit, and use up some of my stash! I am bringing both a knitting and a stitching project to my parents house tonight as we say goodbye to 2010 and welcome 2011. I have a great feeling about the coming year. I have always liked odd numbers 🙂

Me and the girls would like to wish you and your family a wonderful new year. May all your dreams come true.





Filed under Allt í kross, Family, knitting, life, lists, lopi, Other, stitching, yarn

Christmas Ornament Exchange

I stitched! Can you believe it? And I really enjoyed it! Like, really, REALLY enjoyed it!
I organized a christmas ornament exchange in my stitching group like I do every year and decided to take part in it myself, just to challenge myself to some stitching. I honestly thought that I would maybe not enjoy it, or even not know how to do it anymore (not really, but still!). I decided on something small, but cute. And this is the outcome.

Snow Faces for Bubba

Fabric: 28ct Reflections from Silkweaver
Pattern: Snow Faces by Just Nan
Threads: DMC
Beads: Mill Hill

Cute isn’t it?

I have spent some time going through my blog the past few days. Man, I have really done a lot of stitching. And most of it is pretty damn amazing even if I do say so myself. I miss it. I figured that out while knitting this little thing. So, I am going to stitch at least a little each week (maybe just for a day or something) in 2011. I have SO MUCH STASH! It is heartbreaking to just watch it collect dust in my stash cabinet. I realize that I have to go through it and sort out what I know I will never stitch, but I haven’t had the time or the heart to do so as of yet. I will though, but only after I figure out more about what I want to finish and what not. I looked over this list that I made in September 2008 and most of these projects are still something I want to do. Do you have a project on that list and would fancy a SAL? We could dedicate one day a week to it and post pictures and encourage each other on. Please let me know, I know I need some encouragement at least!

I am not giving up on knitting at all, I would just like to do some stitching also! I really, really do miss it!


Filed under Allt í kross, Christmas, Club members from Allt í Kross, Exchanges, finish, Finishing, Friends, gifts, Happy Dance, knitting, life, lists, ornament, Other, stash, stitching

Haruni for my mother

Ok. I caved. This was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my mother, but since I love giving gifts I couldn’t wait! I tried, and managed to do so for about 2 weeks. But then I just couldn’t wait any longer, so when she came to my house on Sunday, I dug it out and handed it over. I wish I had taken a picture of the look on her face. She knew I was making it for her, she picked out the yarn and agreed on the pattern, but she didn’t know I had finished it. I hope it keeps her warm, and that she feels all the love that was poured into every stitch. It was a pure joy to knit, and an even more joy to give.









Pattern: Haruni by Emily Ross
Yarn: Urban GypZ Merino Lace
Needle: 3mm
Project on Ravelry

The name Haruni means Grandmother in Quenya, Tolkien’s elven language.

Haruni in construction

Since this was my first lace project ever, I was a bit nervous and insecure about it. I used the stitch markers that me and Rósa make under the name Little Lillies and Roses. It really helped to put them between pattern repeats! I had tried knitting the lace without them but I kept frogging over and over again!

Now, let’s hope I do not cave and give away any more Christmas presents before Christmas!


Filed under Christmas, Clothes, Family, finish, free patterns, gifts, Happy Dance, knitting, life, stitch markers, yarn