Monthly Archives: March 2007

Hello there!

Seems like I haven’t updated in ages. Well, I have a good excuse, work has been very busy and I have not been stitching much. I do not have an update on Fairy Grandmother because I haven’t put a single stitch in her since I updated last week. I have been stitching on a needleroll for an exchange so I can’t share pictures yet. It is almost done so I will probably send it off sometime next week. The mailing date isn’t until May 15th but I like being done with it sooner. I also have a Redwork exchange coming up with the same mailout date so it is good to get one thing done in time :o)

I can share one picture though. I got my order from Stitches’n Things this week.

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I got some perle cotton that I need for a project and some Kreinik Silk Mori. And French Country Cat, Roosted and Love from JBW designs.
I have one more order coming in soon with some 36ct fabric for Spot of Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn by The Drawn Thread, and then I am thinking about going on the wagon for a while. I have so much stash. Only exception would be buying floss if I run out of a color. Not very likely since I am well stocked in DMC, at least for now :o) But even if I am on the wagon it doesn’t mean that you can’t send me stuff. LOL!

Oh, I just got some materials to make another biscornu for my friend Linda in Texas. She also sent me lots of extra fabric and a whole bunch of floss for my friend Rósa who was running out on lots of DMC colors.


Today’s SBQ was suggested Cindy and is:

Do you have a system for organizing freebie charts in your stash? If
so, what is it? Do you print out copies of all of the freebies that
you find on the web (that you think you might actually stitch) or do
you maintain electronic copies of them until you are ready to stitch them?

I have loads printed out and in folders categorized by theme. I also have a HUGE folder on my computer with free charts from the web. I save everything in it that calls out to me and then I go through it every once in a while and throw out the onese that I know I will never stitch. I have one folder of the onese that I really really want to do and the others I break up into other folders by designer/project/theme.


Filed under Exchanges, Friends, gifts, SBQ, stash, stitching, work

Fabrics galore!

I just hit the jackpot. I got this assortment of fabrics for a ridiculus price today. A friend of mine somehow bought TONS of Belfast Linen really cheap and I got to go through them and buy from her what I wanted for hardly any money. It is nothing compared to how much a yard of Belfast Linen costs from the LNS here IF they have it, which is hardly ever.

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These pieces are huge! Different sizes, but still all of them are huge. I am in fabric heaven!  They are all in 32ct except the green one, that one is 28ct. I have no idea on the colors actual names since it didn’t come labeled. But I love them! I see many future projects there!


Filed under Friends, stash

L&L SAL update

I was supposed to update yesterday, but as I went back to work and worked the whole day (bad idea!) I was exhausted when I got home. I stitched a little last night but went to bed early and didn’t bother to take a picture, download it, upload it blog etc. I was just way to tired. So today I decided to work only half a day and I feel a lot better. I am going to rest over the weekend and hopefully that will make me feel back to normal.

But here she is. Fairy Grandmother. I have gotten lots done this week.
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I also started a needleroll for the needleroll exchange I signed up for in the LiveJournal community. I think it will be adorable when it is finished.

Me and Karítas are going to my parents house for dinner, so I better get going soon, I just wanted to share my process first 🙂 On Sunday me and my mother are going to this exhibition at the National Museum of Iceland. I can’t wait!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Filed under Exchanges, L&L SAL, life, stitching, work

Biscornu for Sheila.

I finished the biscornu, woohoo!

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Pattern from one of my old Icelandic pattern books.
28ct Jobelan in Buttermilk
DMC Variations #4040
Mill Hill beads #00167

I am quite happy with it and think I will stitch on Fairy Grandmother until I get more supplies to make more biscornus. I think there are 2 or 3 left to do out of the ones I was asked to do :o)


Filed under finish, Friends, gifts, Happy Dance, stitching

More L*K and Quaker Heart.

I have finished one side of the Quaker Heart. I am not sure if I will be stitching the other half of it but I think it is likely. I really enjoyed stitching this and have been juggling with ideas on how to finish it up. We will see.

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Quaker Heart Freebie found here
32ct Belfast Raw Linen from Zweigart
Stranded By The Sea Hand Dyed Floss #125 Flame Scallop

I also stitched two more of the 12 Days Of Christmas by Lizzie*Kate. I love how fast and fun they are. I am almost 100% sure now that I will make a pillow out of this for next Christmas. I can’t wait to finish this one up and stitch the charms on, it will be so pretty!

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Filed under finish, free patterns, Friends

New Project.

I have had a pretty quiet weekend. My mother came over on Friday when she had finished work and brought home made pizza with her. Yummmm! She stayed here and helped me out until the girls were in bed and asleep. That was wonderful since I still have no energy though the meds are working. Just doing a load of laundry leaves me puffing for air. My mother is the best! Thank you mom for always be willing to lend a hand whenever I need it and even when I don’t. Love you!

Yesterday I had a quiet day. I folded laundry (I had to, Mount Washmore was taking over the house!) and cooked dinner. That was about it. Did a little stitching on L*K 12 Days of Christmas durring the day and made some progress with the ‘Peace’ section. My friend Edda from my stitching group came over to pick up the piece of fabric I had promised her, the same fabric that I am using for my L*K 12 Days project. She e-mailed me about it and I had a piece of just the right size so I told her she could keep it. She surpriced me with a chart(with embellishments!!) from my wish List, Just Nan’s Wintry Mix. Thank you Edda!

Last night I was feeling uninspired by my WIP’s so I started a new project. Nothing big though, just a little something for a quick satisfaction. I will share a picture once I have a little more stitching done on it. I saw this stitched up at some blog (I am sorry, I can’t remember where) and fell in love with it. I know that Becky has done this.

It is a free pattern and you can find it here.


Filed under free patterns, Friends, life, stitching

Am I back?

Almost. I went to the doctor yesterday and I have Pneumonia :-/ So I am on antibiotics and under the firm orders to rest, rest rest and rest some more. So what does one do when resting? Well, stitch off course!

I have made great progress on Lizzie*Kate’s 12 Days Of Christmas:

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I have reached the halfway mark. I love this project. Each picture is so quick and easy that it gives you an almost instant satisfaction.

Yesterday was the day to udate the L&L and Mirabilia SAL and I have also been working quite a lot on Fairy Grandmother. Here is how she looked last week, and look at her now:

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I also got a wonderful surprice on Wednesday. Me and the girls were having dinner and there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it and there is Ásdís, a friend from my Icelandic stitching group. She hands me this wonderfull dice:

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Isn’t it gorgeous? I love it so much, the colors are gorgeous!

I am thinking about watching some Harry Potter and doze a little.


Filed under Allt í kross, Exchanges, L&L SAL, life, stitching


I feel like I have been run over by a truck!
I am so sick! On Saturday night I started throwing up. On Sunday morning I started shaking. On Sunday evening I started coughing. I have a high fever and a bad cold.
My head feels really heavy. Thank god for moms who come and take care of their grandbabies when the momma is sick. There is no way I could have taken care of them since I can hardly make it to the bathroom :-/
I hope you are all healthy and happy.


Filed under Uncategorized

Victory is mine!


Woohoo! Imanaged to move all my posts from blogger to wordpress by the click of two buttons!



Filed under wordpress

Fairy Grandmother.

Today is Mirabilia and L&L SAL day in my stitching group Allt í Kross. There are so many of us working on designs by these designers that we decided to have a special day dedicated to them. We can work on them as much or as little as we want, and then we update once a week and cheer each other on with our projects.

I am working on Fairy Grandmother by Lavender and Lace. This is my previous update of her since November 9th last year! Oh my! I didn’t realise it had been that long since I worked on her. But I have been doing some stitching on her the last couple of days so she is slowly but surely growing a little.

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I hope I will work on her more for next weeks update. But I do have another biscornu to do for my friend Sheila. She has already sent me the fabric and thread so I just need to pick out the perfect pattern and stitch it.

And now I need to go to bed. I am so exhausted. I worked for 11 hours today and yesterday. I normally work 8 hour days so adding 3 more hours can be exhausting.


Filed under Allt í kross, Friends, L&L SAL, WIP, work

Cube/Dice exchange.

My receaver, Sveina, got the dice that I made for her in this exchange. So now I can share pictures with you.

All pannels:

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I decided to stitch only 4 of the 6 pannels. I left the top and bottom ones blank because I added a cording to the top and a tassel to the bottom.

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Stitched on 28ct Antique White Lugana with WDW floss called Azaleas. Mill Hill beads #62012 for the sides and the tassel is made out of DMC floss #150 and #3805. The cording was made with DMC#3805.

I have never made a tassel before so I was quite happy with how it turned out. The only thing that was difficult with this project was the stuffing. I felt like I was either putting too much or too little in it. I never thought I got it just right.


Filed under Allt í kross, Exchanges, Happy Dance


SBQ Today’s SBQ is:

Do you use your needle, a seam ripper, or something else when you have
to frog stitches? Why do you use the method that you do?

I use my needle and scissors usually. I have used a seam ripper on aida but I am to afraid to ruin something if I use it on linen or evenweave. I use it because it doesn’t damage the fabric and it is easy. Once I have frogged some stitches with my needle I cut the thread with my scissors so it doesn’t tangle. Works for me 🙂


What a fitting question! Last night I had to frog a whole bunch on Fairy Grandmother since I used the wrong DMC color. Actually I used one of the right ones. What I had stitched was supposed to be stitched using one thread of DMC B5200 and one thread of DMC 3747 but I only used DMC5200 :-/ So I frogged it. I am going to restitch it tonight and then post a picture of her. I don’t know why I haven’t worked on her for such a long time. I have missed her and she is a joy to stitch.

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Filed under SBQ, WIP

Bookmark exchange.

I just noticed that Rachel aka rhianona receaved the bookmark that I stitched for her in the Bookmark Exchange in my LiveJournal Community so now I can share a picture.

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Stitched on 32ct Antique White Linen.
Stitched with silk from Vikki Clayton called Dragon Smoke.

I also sent her fabric, two WDW threads, a little kit, needle threaders and a small storage case. I forgot to take a picture of the goodies, so you are just going to have to imagine them.

I have been working on Fairy Grandmother tonight. Oh, I have missed her so much! I will post an updated picture tomorrow as I have to get to bed.


Filed under Exchanges, Happy Dance, WIP

Another Happy Dance!

I finished the Biscornu for Sandy just now. Once again I tried something new. I added bows to the top corners of the biscornu. I think it came out really well.

Side view:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Top view: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

28ct Victorian Red and Antique White Lugana.

Hand dyed thread from Sandy.
Pattern: 4 Little Hearts by Indigo Rose.

I love how the floss that Sandy dyed came out on this fabric. I tried it first on some 2ct Meran in Cream color that Sandy sent with the floss, but the floss just didn’t show up on that fabric. So me and my friend Rósa sat down one night when she came over to stitch, and went through my fabric stash to find something that would work with the floss. The Victorian Red called out to both of us but I wasn’t so sure about it. But then I started stitching it, and the more I stited the more I loved it 🙂


Look at my little Karítas! Fashion Queen in the making eh?
My mother came over yesterday and like usually Karítas wanted to go through her purse. She managed to find this lip gloss, open it and put it all over her cheek. Isn’t she cute?

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Filed under Friends, Happy Dance, life

Happy dance!

Sorry, no pictures though. I can’t share them until sometime next week when my partner gets the beautiful Dice/Cube in the mail. It is so pretty though, I love how it turned out. Very easy to make, just like the biscornus 🙂 I will mail it on Monday so pictures will come on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Next up is another biscornu, this time for Sandy. She dyed the floss herself that she sent me and it is so pretty. White/blue/pink colors. Very nice.

And I signed up for a Needle Roll Exchange in my LiveJournal Community. I love making needlerolls so now I just have the difficult task of choosing a pattern ahead of me. But that is half the fun!

Sumarrós, my older daughter, had a fever yesterday and is still a little sick today. I myself am not feeling that great either. It is just the monthly thing coming along and then I always feel like I am getting sick for a couple of days and then I start my period and realise “oh, that was why I was feeling so bad”. You would think that after 15+ years of this that I would know what is going on but I never seem to realise it. LOL!

Hope you all are having a good weekend!


Filed under Allt í kross, Exchanges, Happy Dance, life