Monthly Archives: July 2008

WIP updates, awards etc.

First, thanks to Maria, Asta and Dovile for the Brilliante Weblog Awards. Since I am supposed to nominate 7 blogs to each of the nominees I get, I am just going to say that I really love each and every stitching blog that I have in my blogline reader! You all inspire me to be a better stitcher and not to be afraid of trying new things!

I have been working some on ‘Ladybugs & Bumblebees’ and have a progress picture to share!

Ladybugs & Bumblebees WIP
I am just over half done! It is such a fun stitch!

I also started ‘Little House Neighborhood’ and have hardly put it down since I started it. I decided to change the DMC colors for the houses to Crescent Colors and have started the first house. It is being stitched with Bramble Bush.

Little House Neighborhood WIP

Sorry about the wrinkles, I try not to iron my pieces until I am done stitching them.
I had a good weekend. I went to two concerts and one birthday party and had a lot fun! My younger daughter is with her father durring her summer vacation so I am feeling a little ‘off’. Sumarrós is here with me, so that is good, but still, I am so used to having them both at the same time, or not having them at the same time that life seems a little weird when just one is missing. We have never done this before, so it is just a matter of getting used to I think.

Me and Sumarrós saw Mama Mia at the movies last week and we both really enjoyed it. I am going to try to go and see the new Batman movie ‘The Dark Knight’ sometime this week. I am very excited to see that movie!


Filed under LHN, LHN SAL, life, Other, stitching, Stitching Bloggers, WIP, work

WIP update and weekend!

I didn’t stitch much this weekend. I did a few stitches in ‘Ladybugs & Bumblebees’ by CCN but that was about it. I did think about stitching a lot though (that must count for something).
I have a picture that I took July 17th of the piece, but I have done a little more stitching on it since then. I will post a new update soon.

CCN - Ladybugs & Bumblebees WIP

Saturday was a great day. My family met at my grandfathers house to celebrate his birthday. He has a big yard and a porch with a hot tub so we went early and me and the girls soaked in the hot tub for a while and I thought I would never get them out of it! They loved it. The sun was shining and it was warm and nice. My dad barbequed lamb for everyone (about 50 people) and we all had dinner together and talked and laughed. It was such a great day. I finally headed home around 10pm and my girls fell asleep on the way home. I crashed soon after we got home, I was so tired. I gained a few freckles that day thanks to the sun 🙂

Yesterday was spent doing housework and laundry. I vacumed the whole house, cleaned the bathroom and the girls bedroom and cleaned the kitchen. I need to mop the floors and other minor stuff and will try to get that done this week. Last night my mom and my friend Aisté came over and we watched Juno. I had seen it twice before, but I saw it for sale on DVD the other day and I just had to buy it. I love that movie, and my mom and Aisté loved it too. Today after work I am going to start working on Little House Neighborhood. Can’t wait!

I hope you had a great weekend, and thank you all for the visits to my blog and the wonderful comments. They mean a lot to me! Some asked how my daughter is feeling after her Chicken Pox and I am very happy to say that she is feeling like her old happy self again.



Filed under Family, Friends, LHN SAL, life, Other, stitching, TV

Kreativ Blogger Award

I was honored by Andrea for a ‘Kreativ Blogger Award‘. Thank you Andrea, I am so happy that I can inspire you in some ways with my little blog.Kreativ Blogger Award

I must pass it on with the following rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

So here are my five blogs that I nominate. In no particular order.

1. Rósa Tom
2. Von
3. Hannah
4. Harmien
5. Loreta


Filed under Club members from Allt í Kross, Friends, lists, Stitching Bloggers, tagged

First Strawberry Emery

When I saw this design in the July Issue of The Gift Of Stitching I knew I had to stitch it and try that finishing technique. I started and finished it last night and it is really easy and a lot of fun!

Strawberry Emery
Designed by Anita Diamond, from the July 2008 Issue of TGOS.
Fabric: Unmarked 28ct Gray linen from my stash
Thread: Needle Necessities #153
Black beads

When I saw the design I fell in love with it but I wanted to play around with colors of my own choise. When I was messing around with threads and fabric, this combination just jumped at me and I think it looks pretty good. A little dark and different. And I absolutely love the black ribbon I found yesterday while browsing for just the right ribbons for it.

I think I found a place yesterday that sells a tool simular to the one Becky bought for attaching eyelets. I really want to make floss ring tags so I need some sort of tool for it. I am going to drive up there today and see if they have what I am looking for.


Filed under finish, Finishing, Happy Dance, life, Other, stitching, TGOSM

Results after a stitchy weekend!

I spent most of my weekend on my couch with my stitching in my hands. And I did manage to get a lot done. On Friday, three women from my Icelandic stitching group came over and we stitched and chatted throughout the evening. Thank you Aisté, Sissú and Guðbjörg for a great evening!
On Saturday I went to the mall for about an hour and bought myself two new shoes. One are pink, the others are green. They are adorable! Then I came home and then another woman from my stitching group, Hafrún, came over and we stitched. Then Aisté showed up again and the three of us ended up having dinner together that I cooked and after dinner we sat down again and stitched some more. I gave Hafrún the small set I finished some time ago as her PIF gift. So now I only have two PIF left to do, one for Guðbjörg and one for Sveina. I finished ‘The Rain Fell’ on Saturday and started another project.

The Rain Fell
The Rain Fell
‘The Rain Fell’ by Little House Needleworks – Finished July 12th.
Stitched with Crescent Colors and DMC threads on 30ct Americana Blend Linen from R&R Reproductions.

The other project I started after finishing The Rain Fell I managed to finish last night. It is a scissor case and a scissor fob for my friend Brenda. I have been making her lots of biscornus because she loves them, but I was getting a little bored and running out of ideas (now I have lots of new patterns for them, haha!) so I asked if it would be OK to make her some other things as well. She said yes and since then I have made her a pinkeep and now this scissor case and fob.

Scissor Case and Fob for Brenda

Front of fob and scissor case. The pattern is a freebie found here (Thanks Nina for pointing me in the right dirrection!)
Threads: DMC #3750 and #932
Fabric: 28ct Jobelan Forget-me-not blue

Scissor Case and Fob for Brenda
The back of the scissor case.
Scissor Case and Fob for Brenda
Open view. I used regular cotton quilting fabric for the inside.

Hope you like it Brenda!

I have this week off from work so I plan on having fun with my daughters, even go camping if it stops raining, do some stitching, and a little cleaning. Just try to enjoy the little vacation I get this summer 🙂 I hope you all had a great weekend!


Filed under Allt í kross, Club members from Allt í Kross, Family, finish, Finishing, free patterns, Friends, gifts, Happy Dance, LHN, life, PIF, stitching, work

Stashy Heaven!

I had *almost* forgotten about ordering this one. I pre-ordered from The Silver Needle when I first saw it advertised because I absolutely fell in love with it. And since I have already stitched and finished her other Dragonfly Scissor Purse, I thought I just had to do this one.

I also got two Needle Roll Kits from Shepherd’s Bush that I have been wanting for a long time.
Folk Heart Roll and Antique Heart Roll by Shepherd’s Bush

Now. On to the pictures of all the silky sparkly goodness! I’ll just leave you with the pictures. I am going to take a looooong hoooooot shower and open a cold beer and sit down and stitch. I am very close to finishing ‘The Rain Fell’ and will probably finish it tonight. I have a long stitching weekend ahead of me 🙂

The whole caboodle!
The box that the silk floss came in
Close up of dragonfly charms
Silks, charms, beads and embellishments

Gilded Dragonfly Scissor Purse & Fob Kit – Limited Edition by Just Nan


Filed under Other, stash, stitching

Little House Neighborhood SAL blog

If anyone is interested in joining us for the Little House Neighborhood SAL you are welcome to do so. Nicole set this up and the more the merrier. If you are interested, please e-mail Nicole and she will send you an invite to this blog so that you can share your progress. See her e-mail in this post. This blog is open for anyone who is stitching this project and wants some support from other stitchers and a place to share their progress with others that are stitching the same project at the same time.

Little House Neighborhood

There is no structure to this SAL really. Just start and stitch when you can! Nicole figured this could be a place where we share our progress and any changes we have made. It’s going to be fun and relaxed!! Now I just need to finish ‘The Rain Fell’ so I can get started on this! Woot!

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Filed under Friends, LHN, LHN SAL, stitching, Stitching Bloggers

The Rain Fell – WIP update

Yes, I am uploading a stitching picture. YAY!
First I want to thank Diane Williams for her wonderful designs. I sit down with them and I just can’t stop stitching. This one is a special favorite though. I just don’t want to stop stitching it. So here is how it is as of today. I am about to sit down and stitch a little more though 🙂

The Rain Fell
The Rain Fell – Little House Needleworks
Threads & Fabric – recommended

I have done all of the black on top but it is on my q-snap so I didn’t want to take it out. Next time I will show you the whole thing 🙂 I have decided to go with the Light Mocha Belfast for Little House Neighborhood. Thanks to everyone who helped me to make up my mind! It really helped a lot! I have been playing with the threads and fabrics a lot and I am pretty sure that this project will look amazing on the Light Mocha.

Karítas is feeling better and better. I will keep her home tomorrow though, and then she might be ready to go to play school. I have to go to work tomorrow though, so my great wonderful best cousin Bjarki is staying home with her. She adores him and he adores her, so they should have tons of fun! I have next week off from work (summer vacation) so I hope the weather will be nice since me and Bjarki are thinking about going camping with my daughters.


Filed under Family, Floss toss, LHN, life, Other, stitching, WIP, work

Update on sickness – sorry, no stitching.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes to my daughter. She is feeling a lot better and today was the first day that she did not have a fever. Almost all the Chicken Pox blisters have turned into dry wounds so she should be OK in a couple of more days. I have been taking pictures of her when she has allowed me to do so. I also found the pictures of Sumarrós when she got the Chicken Pox back in November 2004 and uploaded them to my flickr and you can see them here along with the other pictures of Karítas from the past few days.

Chicken Pox

I have been stitching very little, but some, on ‘The Rain Fell’ and I am absolutely in love with the project. When the girls go to bed tonight I am planning on watching a movie ‘In The Name Of The Father’ (I have seen it before and it is one of my favorites) with my cousin Bjarki and stitch like there is no tomorrow! I will hopefully have a progress picture tomorrow!


Filed under Family, LHN, life, Other, stitching

Stash from Little House Needleworks and sickness.

I got a package yesterday and today in the mail, both containing new and exciting stash!

Little House Needleworks Stash

‘Quilting’ the first of four in the Little Women Series Threadpacks
Little House Neighborhood

I started ‘The Rain Fell’ from LHN yesterday. I needed a little pick me up so it was perfect. I haven’t gotten much done, haven’t had the focus to really stitch, but I will post an update soon.

My little Karítas is sick with the Chicken Pox so we stayed home today. She is such a good little sick baby. She has a fever and is feeling quite uncomfortable but she is so sweet. Oh how much I love these little persons in my life.


One more thing. People around me are going through some rough times and in some ways, these difficulties affect me. I will be fine, I just need to figure a couple of things out and get my head straight. My daughters really help without knowing that they do. They give such endless love to me. I am so thankful for them 🙂


Filed under Family, LHN, life, Other, stash, stitching