Monthly Archives: October 2006

Petal Fairy.

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I finished all the cross stitching and backstitching on her this weekend. I went away with my cross stitch group to a cabin in the countryside where we spent the whole weekend stitching, chatting and eating wonderful food. And these are the results. I started the beading today and it is slow going since I am sick at home. I have a bad cold and a fever and my little one is also sick. I am going to do some more beading tonight when the girls are in bed and asleep.


Filed under stitching

By Shepherd’s Bush

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I finished two projects by in two days. Both by Shepherd’s Bush. The one above is called Keeping The Bees and the one below is Tending The Blooms. They are stitched on 32ct linen with one strand of silk over two threads of fabric. The pictures are a little out of focus and I am sorry about that but I just couldn’t get better shots of them. I have also made one present but it is a secret until it reaches its new home. I will post pictures when that happens.

Now that I am looking at Keeping The Bees I see that it is not exactly right. The edges do not match up so I am going to have to fix that. Also, I obviously didn’t fill in the flowers. LOL! Oh well, you just have to imagine how it looks all perfect. I am going to fix it now and then work a little more on Petal Fairy. I can hopefully post a progress picture of her tonight or tomorrow. I have started working again so there is not much time left for stitching, but I do stitch every chance I get. I have just been so tired that I have been going to bed very early recently.


Filed under stitching