Category Archives: i-pod

Photo Heavy Post.

Sorry for the no blogging. I have been super busy lately. The biggest news are that I am changing jobs. I am quitting my job for the city and going to work in the accounting department for Iceland Express. I started there last Monday and work there in the mornings and then at my old job in the afternoon. And next Wednesday (the 12th) I am going to New York City for a week. I honestly can NOT wait to get there. I am going to eat, sleep, relax, walk, take pictures (oh, I am getting a new camera there!), meet friends, dance around the city, go to Yaffa Cafe (I need their hummus & baba ganoush dish with pita bread and salad badly) and have oooooodles of fun! YAY! I really need a little break so this will be perfect!

Despite being busy, I have been stitching. I allowed myself to start A Quaker Christmas since I got a new job (I also bought ‘I have a new job shoes’ but that is a different story) and I am so in love with the piece. I am very happy with my color changes also. I wanted a red piece, not a green one so I decided to change the colors a little. You can’t see the color of the floss very well on this picture since it was taken under my OTT lamp at night, but I promise a better picture once I have a better camera (Yes I am excited about it!).

Quaker Christmas

I am using Crescent Colours and my main color is ‘Bing Cherry’ and then I am using ‘English Ivy’ for the letters and ‘Ye Olde Gold’ for the gold that is in the original.

I got my scissor fob for the scissor fob exchange that Rósa started in my Icelandic cross stitch group. Aiste made the scissor fob for me and I love it! It goes perfectly with my pink scissors! I had been thinking about what kind of scissor fob to make for these scissors but now I don’t have to think about it anymore. I love the fob she made for me. It is so me!

Scissor Fob Exchange

Thank you so much Aiste! I love it!

I also got another gift recently. Rósa gave me a wood box that she had painted and decorated. We had been talking in the phone about how she would finish it, what paint she was using etc. and all the time I was clueless that the box was actually for me. I was so surprised when she gave it to me along with one that is raw and hasn’t been finished up so I can give it a go myself. I can’t wait to give it a try. But I love the box that Rósa made me. It is so pretty!
This is the top:

Box from Rósa

And here is the inside:

Box from Rósa

It has a magnet in the top so that you can store your needles and then the bottom part is a pincushion! So very clever! Thank you Rósa. You know I adore it 🙂

Speaking of Rósa. She came over last night (hence the pictures since I don’t have a camera at the moment) and we took pictures of stitching. Then we started taking pictures of us making faces.

Linda & Rósa

As you can see, being cross eyed is not my speciality. And Rósa likes to pick my nose. Just look at her, trying to sneak her finger there! Eeew! Hahaha! We ended up rolling on the sofa laughing so hard that our stomach hurt. It was great. Who knew new cameras were so much fun?

Anyway, I am going to make coffee and continue with my morning. I am importing lots of music to i-tunes and then to my i-pod for my trip on Wednesday. I will be a very happy girl with an i-pod full of new music and a book on my flight. And I will be even happier once I get to my destination 🙂

Thanks for reading. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


Filed under Allt í kross, Club members from Allt í Kross, Exchanges, Friends, gifts, i-pod, life, Other, stitching, work

Me and my new boyfriend.

Oh yes. I am in love! So very much in love.
He is not my regular type of guy. And he is pink. But he is beautiful. And he plays me wonderful music. And he does what I tell him to do. And he shuts up when I tell him to. And he is shiny.
I love him!

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Filed under i-pod