Monthly Archives: February 2006

More stash!

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My order from Stitches N’Things came last night. I was going to post a picture of it then, but since I woke up at 5am yesterday morning, I was just way to sleepy. Had company last night, my cousins Bjarki, Elva and Sigurjon came and we watched Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire together. It was wonderful, even though I was sleepy.

Anyway, here is a list of the things I ordered:

I am thrilled with all of this!

Thanks everyone for your comments on my stash and the way I organize it. Lili asked me how I do it… well, what can I say. It is in my nature to organize almost anything, I am a Virgo after all 😀 And I have been cross stitching since I was about 4 or 5. This was my first project. I went with my mom to the LNS and insisted on getting this stamped cross stitch. I did it on and off for years. Then stopped, and then I picked it up again in 1998 while pregnant with my daughter Sumarrós. I did this piece (sorry about the picture, it is quite dark) first after I picked cross stitch up again. I haven’t stopped since and doubt that I will anytime soon. Here you can see almost all of my cross stitch works, there are some missing off course, but most of it is there.

My wrist on my left arm is hurting today. It has been hurting on and off for the last couple of days, but today I am very sore and I doubt that I will be able to stitch… I am going to try though. I was trying to fold some laundry earlier, but I had to stop because of the pain. I haven’t finished the stocking and tomorrow, February is over :-/ Oh well… I did manage to do Heart Sweet Bag, Long Legged Chick, the RR piece for Rósa, make my first pincushion and finish the MSAL :o) So not a bad stitching month really. And there is not much left to do on the stocking, and I will finish it as soon as I can stitch again. Going to give it a try now and see how my hand feels about it.


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MSAL 4 is finished!

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All done!
This is Prairie Schooler’s E is for Embroidery, but, since I am Icelandic and all, I changed the lettering to Ú er fyrir útsaum, which means exactly the same thing :o) I am very happy with the outcome and enjoyed stitching it a lot. Oh, and since I am feeling brave, you can see the back if you click here. I don’t think I have ever shown the back of my work before….
Feeling very sleepy after a wonderful night last night with Rósa Tom. She came over and we stitched our little fingers off and talked and laughed so much!!! Thanks so much for the visit!

Today we finally went to my friends daughter’s birthday that we were supposed to go to in the beginning of the month but the baby was sick. Then my friend tried to celebrate the birthday again, but then all the guests were sick. Third time is the charm, because a lot of people were there today and I ate waaaay too much of that delicious french chocolate cake! *drools* It was just oh so so so good! And off course it was nice to see my friends. Anna Sigga and her BF Wolf and the birthday girl Alma Sóley moved into a brand new apartment in December and it looks very nice!!

Tomorrow, me and my BF Mio, Sumarrós and her dad and his dad’s GF are all going to the theather! I can’t wait! I love going to the theather!

I am trying to decide if I should stitch a little or go to bed early

since I didn’t go to bed until 3.30 am last night and then woke up with

Karítas at 7.45 this morning….


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Wanna come and see?

I went through all of my stash today.
And, because I am a stitching geek, I took pictures.

You can see them here, if you are interested.


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YAY! New stash to play with!!! Finally my order from The Silver Needle Super Bowl Sale came home to me! I was so excited that I was about to kiss the postman! LOL! I just LOVE getting packages in the mail, especially ones full of goodies like this one!

  • Raise The Roof Designs – Santa Clothes (scroll down a bit) + buttons
  • Hollis Designs – Snowy Littles + charm
  • Shepherd’s Bush – A Mother’s Love Needleroll
  • Shepherd’s Bush – Snow Fall Needleroll
  • JCS 2004 & 2005 Christmas Ornaments Issues
  • 3 packs Assortment Set of Metal Finishing Forms. I thought these looked cool and simple and would help me on the road of actually finishing some of my finishes! I think the will help me out loads in learning how to make ornaments properly etc.
  • 5 packs of Connect-A-Box (for all my beads). I can’t wait to take my beads out of the Mill Hill packaging and into these niffty little things! I *love* them!
  • Character Tape Measures With Personality – The Cow. I just couldn’t resist that one! So adorable!

I am so happy with all of this! And what makes me even more happy is that tomorrow, my order from Stitches N’Things will come too! Or so it should! If not tomorrow, then Monday. If Monday, then it will be a loooong weekend! LOL!


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Still working…

… on the stocking. I just realised that there isn’t that much stitching left really. Tons of backstitch though ;o) I hope that I will be able to finish it in February because I am so ready to start working on other things. After seeing Rósa’s update on her 12 Days Of Christmas, I am itching to start stitching on those again. And Fairy Grandmother is *shouting* at me from my stitching bag. Not to mention Mini Cottages 3 & 4 by Michael Powell.

I am behind on reading blogs and commenting, so if you haven’t heard from me in a while, I am just busy, I haven’t forgotten about you all!
Thanks so much on your comments on the chick and for the tips on 1 over 1 stitching!

So much stitching, so little time!

In other news… Karítas tried food for the first time this evening. She LOVED it :o) We only gave her a little bit, and a little water but I could tell that she was ready for more. I am going to start giving her a little meal each dinner time, getting her ready to stop breastfeeding since she is almost 6 months old and just seems ready to start eating a little.


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Another happy dance!

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YAY! I finished it in about 2-3 days. This is from Ewe eye and Friends and I think it is called Long Legged Chick (too lazy to go look) from a leaflet called Spring Two. I changed the floss and stitched it all in Six Strand Sweet floss – cappucino, blue curacao, mulberry wine, kiwi lime and peach. I am still thinking if I need to backstitch around the beak, since I think it blends in a little with the eggshell. I will look at it a little more, and see what needs, or doesn’t need to be done. Unsure what to do with this, but I think it will look good as an Easter decoration of some sorts. Maybe hanging in a window?

Today is Konudagur, womansday, so I got spoiled. Actually I got spoiled yesterday but I have also been lazy today. Mio bought me the seventh series of The Simpsons on DVD (we collect the series) and Ring Of Fire, The Legend Of Johnny Cash CD. I really want ot go and see Walk the Line in the cinema and we will probably do that when we get the chance to. I love both the CD and the DVD’s so I am very happy with my spoiling. And my MIL is cooking us dinner so I don’t even have to worry about that 😀

Oh.. and I am very happy about the winner at the Icelandic Eurovision song contest last night.!!!!


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Becaus it is such a good day..

Five Things That Make Me Happy Today:

  1. The waffles that I made earlier. Whipped cream, blueberries, strawberries, jam and coffee.
  2. My girls. They have been like angels all day. Sumarrós is a little sick, but such a sweetheart.
  3. Mio. He is not feeling 100% yet (he got sick too) but has been runing around the house all day doing things that need to get done.
  4. The warm weather.
  5. My new stitching project that I can’t share yet. I picked the colors myself and it is coming along very nicely.

Have a wonderful day!!!


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Another stocking update.

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Once again, blogger has decided that he doesn’t like me. I have posted all of my past entries from the last week or so, through photobucket. How annoying! But hey, it works in the end so I might aswell use it. The only thing that bothers me is that I can’t use Icelandic letters! I have tried to mess around with some settings, but there are not many options for this feature at the photobucket site yet. So, English it is.

That is the stocking, how it looks today. I have been working on it as much as possible, but I haven’t been sleeping well lately so I have been quite tired. And today I woke up a little sick. My throat is sore, my body aches and I think I might have a slight fever. Not fun at all! And the weather this morning was just horrible when I took Sumarros to school. I came home shaking and trembling from the cold and when I was about to crawl back into bed, Karitas woke up. Oh man! I just wanted to warm up a bit before I woke her up! So I just took her to the living room and wrapped us up in a blanket while I fed her. She was happy and so was I.

I need tips on one over one stitching. Does anyone have any good links or tips to share with me?

Oh, and here is MSAL 4 after this weeks stitching. Only two more weeks to go and then it is all done! I am still trying to make up my mind if I should participate in the MSAL I just started at the cross_stitch community on LJ.

PS. Hafr�n told me that she wanted new pictures of Sumarros too. I just didn’t have the time to update those yesterday. But you can find them here now. The last pictures in the family album :o)


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SBQ for yesterday.

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Today’s SBQ was suggested by Heather and is:

Comment on your comments (giving and recieving): Do you love comments or hate them? Do you check them every day, never check them, or find them helpful? And finally, are you convinced no one is reading your blog if you don’t get any?

I love comments! They keep me inspired. I get them by e-mail, both from here and from the cross_stitch community on LJ so I get them as soon as they are posted. I find them helpful, inspiring, useful, fun and often the begining of a wonderful on-line friendship.

As for leaving them, I try to. Sometimes I have to read the blog for a while before I build up the courage to leave a comment (I am a little shy about that for some reason sometimes) but I usually try to leave comments to the blogs that I read. Especially if I visit them every day!

I can see on my counter how many people pop by every day, even pr.hour so I don’t worry that much about comments, after all, the blog is for myself. It is just an added bonus (and a very nice one at that) that someone is reading and also leaves the occasional comment :o)

1 Comment

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Isn’t he cute? Me and Kar�tas just took a walk in …

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Isn’t he cute?
Me and Kar�tas just took a walk in the gorgeous, but slightly cold weather. We went to the bank to open up my debet card (I lost it on Friday but found it again) and then went to pick up her Newton’s Law Birth Announcement that I stitched for her last year but never got around to taking to the framers. I am very happy how it looks! It is so difficult to get good pictures of framed stitching with glass :-/ So I am sorry if it looks a bit odd. Here you can see a picture of just the stitching. It is stitched on 28ct Tutti Frutti Expressions from Silkweaver with DMC floss. I think the fabric is absolutely PERFECT for this project. I had that fabric for a while and never knew what I should use it for, but then Mr.Newton came a long.

I have such a crush on him. I think he is the cutest bear out there *blush*

Now… to get stitching on this weeks part of MSAL 4! But first, I need to empty the washing machine and do the dishes. ::sigh:: does it ever end?


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We took Karítas for the 5 month check up and inje…

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took Karítas for the 5 month check up and injections this morning. She

is 7390 gramms and 65,5 cm long. A healthy little girl. She whined a

little when the nurse “tortured” her with the siringe, but nothing

serious. I think her dad felt it more than she did. At least he looked

more nervous before it and was always telling her that everything would

be ok, while she sat on his lap and smiled.

I remember when I

took Sumarrós for the first time to get these injections and how

horrible I felt about “torturing” the baby like that. But you get used

to it like everything else. A picture of the pretty little baby girl

follows but she turned 5 months old yesterday and I took the picture

then. I also put in some more pictures here.


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Valentines day.

Happy Valentines day to those that celebrate it.
It is not a tradition here in Iceland to celebrate it. Only very recently some people have started to celebrate it and it has become some kind of “trend”. I personally do not celebrate it.
We have our own traditions here. We have our own “love” days here. We have the Bóndadagur for the men, and Konudagur for the women. So we each get our seperate days, and I like that :o)

Bóndadagur (for the men) was in January and I gave Mio a perfume and we had sushi for dinner. He surpriced me on that day and brought me roses and also bought one big red rose for Sumarrós :o)

I have been stitching a lot on my stocking and am almost done with the snowmans coat. I will probably put an updated picture here tomorrow along with the MSAL :o)

Now, to make spaghetti for me and my loved ones.


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Update on stocking

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I haven’t stitched anything since last Thursday when I went ot my stitching night, which was a lot of fun off course, like always. But since then, there has been no stitching. Friday I was running around with my mom all day and spent most of the evening at my parents house. Got home late and wasn’t feeling very well so I went to bed early. Saturday was also spent running around and my little one didn’t sleep at all through the entire day so there was hardly any time to stitch anyway. So I did laundry and other chores. Yesterday I was doing chores, the little one hardly slept and then we went to dinner to my BF’s fathers house. And then my cousins came for a visit last night and when they left I was so exhausted that I just went to bed. So, today I must stitch, before I go insane!

Apologies to my Icelandic readers, but blogger is giving me a really rough time so I can’t seem to update in Icelandic. In fact, I can’t seem to udate from the blogger page at all. So I have to cheat and blog through the photobucket site. Sneaky aren’t I?

Here you can also see how the MSAL 4 is going. Next part comes out on Wednesday and then I am also starting yet another MSAL. That is going to be fun. I haven’t decided if I am going to stitch it also, since I have yet to finish MSAL 3 since last year.

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80’s party pictures!

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ROFL! How UGLY is that outfit? I almost died when my mother found that tigerfluffyuglythingy in her closet.

And here I am at the party with my first serious BF Hjalli, we were together some 11-12 years ago! Oh how time flies!
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And here is a picture of the make-up/hair that my sister did for me (THANK YOU FANNEY!!)
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I had a lot of fun! The party ended a bit early since almost everyone went down-tow to some bar, but I didn’t feel like going so I just went home. Going out clubbing/bar hopping is not that much fun when you have to get up early with a little one the next morning :o) So, I went home and cleaned the make up off and went to bed and read some Harry Potter. I still have the crimp’s in my hair. I haven’t had crimps in my hair for at least 18 years or something like that!


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New phone!

I finally went out yesterday and bought myself a new phone. Actually, it was a gift from my dear BF Mio. My phone was getting old and he didn’t work all the time, only when he felt like it and it was a pain! Ridiculous how attatched to these things we get. I admire my mother, she refuses to get a phone. I asked her if she wanted my old one and she was like “NO WAY!” LOL! She doesn’t like cell phones at all!

My new phone is so cool. It is Sony Ericsson K700i very spiffy!

I also did some shopping and bought myself 4 new tops. And the most ridiculous outfit ever! I am going to a party tonight and the theme is the 80’s so I had to get something ugly! LOL! I am going to do some crazy make up and hair and I will try to post pictures of myself tomorrow. I can’t wait to go out a little. My MIL is going to watch Karítas for me as Mio is also going out tonight for a dinner and drinks with the guy who was interning at the studio for the past month as he is leaving back to the States tomorrow.

Karítas just fell asleep so I am going to stitch on her stocking now. It is coming along very well and I will probably put an updated picture of it here tomorrow.


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