Category Archives: TV

WIP update and weekend!

I didn’t stitch much this weekend. I did a few stitches in ‘Ladybugs & Bumblebees’ by CCN but that was about it. I did think about stitching a lot though (that must count for something).
I have a picture that I took July 17th of the piece, but I have done a little more stitching on it since then. I will post a new update soon.

CCN - Ladybugs & Bumblebees WIP

Saturday was a great day. My family met at my grandfathers house to celebrate his birthday. He has a big yard and a porch with a hot tub so we went early and me and the girls soaked in the hot tub for a while and I thought I would never get them out of it! They loved it. The sun was shining and it was warm and nice. My dad barbequed lamb for everyone (about 50 people) and we all had dinner together and talked and laughed. It was such a great day. I finally headed home around 10pm and my girls fell asleep on the way home. I crashed soon after we got home, I was so tired. I gained a few freckles that day thanks to the sun 🙂

Yesterday was spent doing housework and laundry. I vacumed the whole house, cleaned the bathroom and the girls bedroom and cleaned the kitchen. I need to mop the floors and other minor stuff and will try to get that done this week. Last night my mom and my friend Aisté came over and we watched Juno. I had seen it twice before, but I saw it for sale on DVD the other day and I just had to buy it. I love that movie, and my mom and Aisté loved it too. Today after work I am going to start working on Little House Neighborhood. Can’t wait!

I hope you had a great weekend, and thank you all for the visits to my blog and the wonderful comments. They mean a lot to me! Some asked how my daughter is feeling after her Chicken Pox and I am very happy to say that she is feeling like her old happy self again.



Filed under Family, Friends, LHN SAL, life, Other, stitching, TV

Two pinkeeps.

I stitched these last year but was never sure how to finish them. Today I decided to make them into Pinkeeps. I am very happy with the outcome and they are now displayed on top of my cabinet that holds all my stash.


And this is the fabric I used for the back:

Backing fabric

I added the fun little bee pins to the top that I got from Vikky Clayton the other day. Oh, that reminds me, I still haven’t posted a picture of the stash I have been getting lately. I have one more order coming in, probably tomorrow, and I will post a picture after I have that so I can show you all 🙂

This has been a great weekend. Stitching, finishing, concerts, great food, good movie (I watched ‘Deliver Us From Evil‘ last night), well behaved kids and lots of rest 🙂 I hope your weekend was great also!


Filed under Family, Finishing, Friends, life, Pinkeep, stash, stitching, TV

The weirdness that is me.

I got tagged by Hannah to do the 6 Weird Things about Me.

The rules: Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you.” People who get tagged need to write in their blog of 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1) I can not listen to the radio. I get so horribly cranky if I can’t pick my music myself and have to listen to loud DJ’s that all seem to yell at the microphone.

2) I talk to myself a lot.

3) I hate buying shoes. I just hate shopping in general. Except for stash, books and music.

4) I hate being pregnant, but I love giving birth.

5) I am insanely organised when it comes to some things, but terribly disorganised when it comes to other things. I always know where everything is though.

6) One of my favorite things to do is to go out walking in the rain. When it is raining straight down that is. I don’t like walking in the rain when it is very windy outside also. But walking in the rain when it is pouring straight down and getting soaked to the bone… I love that!

I tagg the following people:
Rósa Tom
Rósa Bjarna
Ágústa (maybe this will get her to update hehe)
Anne S.
And whoever that wants to do this :o)

I started another biscornu last night, for my friend Colleen in NY. She sent me white Lugana in 28ct and one of the new variations colors from DMC. It is looking great so far and I can’t wait to stitch some more on it when I get home today. I was worked for almost 11 hours yesterday and was just exhausted when I got home. My mom came over and we watched Gray’s Anatomy (I love that show) and when she left I just managed to start the stitching and then I just crashed. Hopefully this evening will be a better stitching night for me :o)

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Filed under stitching, tagged, TV, work