Category Archives: hats

Follow Your Arrow 2

The wonderful designer Ysolda Teague organised a mystery KAL last year that I participated in (my first one) and loved and got me hooked on doing MKAL’s. In January I saw that she was doing a Follow Your Arrow 2 MKAL so off course I signed up.

2015-02-24 15.27.59

2015-02-24 15.27.42

2015-02-24 15.29.06-1
Pattern: Follow Your Arrow 2 by Ysolda Teague
Yarn: Loft in Plume (I used 2 skeins)
Needles: 3.5mm
Clues: B-B-A-B-B

I love how it turned out, and participating in the MKAL was loads of fun. Ysolda is a brilliant designer, to say the least. Each clue had an option A and an option B and each went with either so you could mix and match it any way you wanted. I wanted to have my shawl with texture and learn something new each week, and this is how it ended up. The only thing that I did not like was the yarn. What a disappointment. I had read so many great reviews about this yarn and had been excited about trying it, but I just did not connect with it at all and am safe to say that I will not be using it again. Thankfully, there is plenty of great yarn out there!

The baby knitting continues. There are so many babies being born this year around me. I love it, I love knitting baby clothes. My sisters baby girl got her name on February 8th.

2015-02-08 16.41.42-2
Emilý Rósa Snædahl Ragnarsdóttir

Off course she got a knitted gift from us.

2015-02-04 14.53.41-3

2015-02-04 14.54.27
Pattern: Camilla Babe by Carrie Bostick Hoge
Yarn: Lark from Quince and Co in Pomegranate
Needles: 4.5mm

I loved making this little sweater. The hat is based on a free pattern from the Purl Soho website, but I did a lot of changes as the decreases were not adding up.


Filed under bits & pieces, Clothes, Family, finish, Friends, gifts, hats, KAL, knitting, life, yarn


I started my vacation on May 28th. I got called into work for two days last week, to train a new person since we are hiring and there are some changes going on. I knew before I left that this might happen, so it was ok. The bad part is that I have been sick for a week. I have a terrible cold, had some fever and the headaches are no fun. It feels like it is going away, but it is not happening fast enough for me. Hopefully it will just take a few more days. Last evening of school is tonight and then I am carefree from both work and school for the next few weeks. I start work again on July 4th and school starts early August.

We left the city for a long weekend in the south-east side of Iceland. We stayed close to Geysir in a beautiful cabin and did a bit of driving around and sight seeing.

2014-06-07 13.11.15-2
We stopped by the Geysir area to see the hot spring Strokkur erupt a few times and walked around the area.

2014-06-07 14.02.02-1

2014-06-07 14.15.50
And we visited Gullfoss also since it is so close to Geysir.

Then we decided to drive to Vík to visit the black sand beach there, Reynisfjara. It is one of the most beautiful places and I love visiting there. We ran in the sand and away from the ocean, threw some rocks, saw some birds and just enjoyed ourselves.

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2014-06-07 17.35.54

2014-06-07 17.38.18

2014-06-07 17.39.19-1

2014-06-07 17.54.39

2014-06-07 17.55.51-3

At the cabin, we spent most of our time reading, knitting, going to the hot tub or the sauna, jumping on the trampoline or running around the surrounding area. We also got good guests for dinner and had a wonderful and relaxing time.

2014-06-08 13.35.09-2

2014-06-09 17.11.49-2

2014-06-09 17.13.13

2014-06-09 20.03.03

Tanning on a trampoline

It's beautiful and peaceful here
The nights are bright. I took this photo not long before midnight one evening.


Filed under Clothes, crochet, Family, Friends, gifts, hats, KAL, knitting, life, lopi, traveling

Cardigan, with a twist!

I finished my green cardigan last weekend and it has been attached to me ever since. It is so light and comfortable, yet warm enough for these cool spring days. I found the pattern (free in one size) on the Pickles site, it has a great range of patterns and most of them are offered free in one size and then you can buy the other sizes. The patterns are simple and easy to follow. I have done a couple of projects from them, and they are always great so I can recommend them.

2014-05-06 18.24.09

2014-05-06 18.22.41

2014-05-06 18.23.03

2014-05-06 18.22.57
Pattern: Jakke med tvist by Pickles
Yarn: One thread of Plötulopi (un-spun Icelandic wool) and one thread of Isager Strik Spinni Tweed (Wool 1)
Needles: 7.0 mm

The pattern says that you are supposed to knit it back and forth. I started out like that, but I really, REALLY do not like knitting sweaters like that since it is so easy to knit them in the round and then just steek them in the sewing machine. So I quickly changed to knitting in the round and it just flew of the needles. I then steeked it and crocheted one row of single crochet around the bottom, up the front and around the neckline and to the front of the sleeves.
When I first saw the project on the Pickles website, I got the image in my head what color combination I wanted to use. At first I thought I would use plötulopi and einband, but the einband (Icelandic lace weight wool) was not available in the color I wanted. I thought about just dyeing the right color, but then I found the Spinni in the exact color I wanted. Even though it is a bit over priced in my opinion, I got it anyway. I do not regret it one bit, it is just perfect with the other yarn and I love the outcome. And how rare is it to get a vision of what you want in your head and then get the exact outcome when you are finished? So I am one happy knitter!

2014-04-27 13.11.39-2
Pattern: Súld by Rósa Tom
Yarn: Araucania Aysen
Hook: 4mm

A very fast project, only took me about 3 hours from start to finish. It was a birthday present for our little friend, Þórkatla. This is my third time doing this hat, I just love it.

Happy Mothers Day to me! Thanks to these two for making me a mom and wearing that title with pride.

Mom and me ❤️

Happy Mothers Day yesterday! These two daughters of mine are the best! And then there is my own mother, who has always been my safe spot to fall when I tumble, my strength when I am drained and the push I need when I am unsure of myself and my own strengths. I love you, mom!

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Filed under bits & pieces, Clothes, crochet, Family, finish, free patterns, Friends, gifts, Happy Dance, hats, knitting, life, lopi, photograpy, yarn

Bits & Pieces – January 7th

It’s a new year! And, it’s my mother’s birthday today!

My mom braiding my hair ❤

Happy birthday, mom! And thanks for still braiding my hair, even though I am all grown up!

The first gift is wrapped and ready
Christmas gifts

Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree

Karítas and Adrían assist with the gift opening
Christmas kids

Christmas me
Christmas me

New headband, so warm! #knitting #cascade220 #malabrigo
I made myself a new headband for the cold.
Pattern: Parisian Twist Headband Ear Warmer by Elisa McLaughlin
Yarn: 1 strand Cascade 220 and 1 strand Malabrigo Twist
Needles: 6mm

2014-01-06 18.48.11

2014-01-06 18.49.03-1

2014-01-06 18.49.44-1
I gave my sister the Safety Scarf as that pink looks so good on her!
Pattern: Safety Scarf by Stephen West
Yarn: BC Garn Semilla Fino in grey and Koigu Premium Merino (KPM) in neon pink
Needles: 3.5mm

This scarf is supposed to be knit on much bigger needles with much thicker yarn, but I wanted a more delicate look and I really wanted to use the Koigu yarn that I got while visiting New York in September. I am very happy with how it turned out with my changes. It still wrappes twice around the neck but is not too tight. It was a very fun knit! Stephen’s patterns are just incredible.

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Filed under bits & pieces, Christmas, Clothes, Family, finish, gifts, Happy Dance, hats, knitting, life, photograpy, traveling, yarn

2013 – Finishes

It’s been a wonderful year.
Like the years before, I am doing a list of my finished projects.


Freebie from TraLaLa – finished as a pin cushion
Total: 1 finished project

Cardigan for Pálmi
Curry cardigan for myself
Camomille shawl for myself
Turn a square hat for the man
Grettir for Óli Sindri
Total: 5 finished projects

Wave blanket for Karítas
Bugða blanket for Sumarrós
Vintage blanket for my sister, Gyða
Electric Ripple blanket for a friends baby
Granny Stripe blanket for my nephew, Adrían
Viktoría collar for me
Viktoría necklace for Aimee
Viktoría necklace for Karítas
Viktoría necklaces for Þóra and Freyja
Viktoría necklace for Erla, Sumarrós’s sister
Viktoría necklace for Helga Soffía
Viktoría necklace for Steinunn Lóa
Bow Tie for my nephew, Adrían
Bow Tie for Starri, Sumarrós’s brother
Slaufa, for a friends baby
Slaufa, for Karítas’s baby sister
Cardigan for Karítas’s baby sister
Washcloths for me and the man
Washcloth for Karítas
Washcloth for Sumarrós
Mittens for Sumarrós
Mittens for Karítas
Hat for Karítas
Light green jar cover
White jar cover
Purple jar cover
Orange jar cover #1
Orange jar cover #2
Dark green jar cover
Red jar cover
Gray jar cover
White and black jar covers
Crochet stone #1
Crochet stone #2
Lægð, cowl
6 hair elastics for Sóley
Wash cloth
Súld, hat for my cousin Bjarki (here modeled by Karítas)
Lægð, wrapped scarf for Karítas
Bow Tie for my friend Einar. No photo, but one is hopefully coming soon.
Total: 40 finished projects

Hlemmur – bus stop in Reykjavík
The sign that marks my grandfathers summer house
Laxá í Kjós
By Hespuhúsið
In a car
Womens Rights
Gay Pride
Total: 7 finished projects

Me and my girls.

We wish you a very happy 2014 and I hope that you continue to drop by to my little blog.


Filed under Allt í kross, blanket, Christmas, Clothes, crochet, Family, finish, Finishing, free patterns, gifts, Happy Dance, hats, knitting, life, lists, Other, photograpy, shawl, stash, stitching, yarn, yarnstorming

Bits & Pieces – December 1st

It’s December already! Amazing.
I have been busy with fun things. Doing some Christmas gifts, and test crocheting for my friend Rósa who is finally releasing some of the ideas that have been rolling around in her head for a while. Two of them are already released on Ravelry and I link to them below the photos.

For Sumarrós
Pattern: Vettlingar/Mittens by Rósa Tom
Yarn: Yarn: Dream in Color Classy
Hook: 4.5mm for the cuff – 5 for the mittens
Link to pattern in Icelandic

Mittens for Karítas
For Karítas
Pattern: Vettlingar/Mittens by Rósa Tom
Yarn Alpaca Select Kusi held double
Hook: 4.5mm
Link to pattern in English


Pattern: Súld by Rósa Tom
Yarn: Araucania Aysen, color 824
Hook: 4.5mm
Link to pattern in Icelandic and English

These are super fast and easy projects, and easily adaptable for different sizes. My girls are very happy with their new mittens, and Karítas wears the hat all the time and was super proud to be asked to model it for the pattern relase.

I have also been crocheting some jar covers. I made my first jar about a year ago and I keep my crochet hooks and some of my DPN’s in it. But they are also very pretty as candle holders. You just put one tea light in it and it makes the nicest light.

Three jar covers in three days
Here are three of the ones I have made so far. I gave the orange one away yesterday, and it was very well appreciated. I love finding patterns to use and try to make each one a little different than the previous one.

Jar Cover
I made this one also, but I think I am keeping it for myself. I put some straws in it as my daughters use them a lot in their drinks. So you can basically keep anything in them that you want, pens and pencils, straws, crochet hooks, or use it as a candle holder.


Filed under bits & pieces, crochet, Family, finish, Friends, gifts, Happy Dance, hats, life, photograpy, yarn

Bits & Pieces, November 10th

Another week has flown by. I was busy both at work and at home, did a good deal of knitting and some crochet, along with everything else one has to do on a day to day basis.

Turn a Square

Turn a Square
The man got a new hat for winter.
Pattern: Turn a Square by Jared Flood
Yarn: Cascade 220 and 7 Veljestä Raita for the stripes
Needle: 4mm

New knitting book that I won, woohoo!
I got a new knitting book that I surprisingly won in a game on Facebook I did not even enter myself, but was nominated by a friend.

Japanese knitting magazine, all about Icelandic lopi! Thanks, Yuka!
My friend Yuka from Japan gave me this really cool Japanese knitting magazine that is all about Icelandic Wool.

The best Joe I've ever known
My favorite Joe in the world was visiting Iceland.

2013-11-10 15.46.05
I started a new cardigan for myself. I am using one ply of Plötulopi (un-spun Icelandic Wool) and one ply of Isager Spinni Tweed. I love how those two very different types of wool come together and can’t wait to see the outcome once I have finished the cardigan.


Filed under bits & pieces, books, Clothes, Family, finish, free patterns, Happy Dance, hats, knitting, life, lopi, yarn

Bits & Pieces

I had a very busy week, but it ended just perfectly as on Friday I went out of the city to a cabin in the country side with my man. Just perfect. We just got back home and I really wish we were still there, in the hot tub, watching the Northern Lights and the stars with a glass of bubbly.

Where is Wally? @emmnielsen
My co-worker trying on a hat we got to the office. Reminded me of ‘Where is Wally?’

New #crochet #blanket started!
Started a new blanket, this one is for Sumarrós.

Morning bus ride to the office
Self portrait at the bus, riding to the office in the morning.

Friday evening, we arrive at the cabin.

The bed is made! #barbapapa #barbafamily #bedsheets
My favorite bed sheets for the bed!

#wip #crochet #blanket #afghan
My Vintage Crocheted Throw & Afghan by Churchmouse Yarns and Teas is coming along nicely.

#hraunfossar #iceland @worldplaces #worldplaces
Just a short drive away from the cabin you can find Hraunfossar. Absolutely breathtaking.

Insanely good beef ramen made by @svelgur ❤
Dinner on Saturday, cooked by the man. Delicious!

#wip #crochet #blanket for Sumarrós
More progress on the blanket for Sumarrós. I love the colors!


Filed under crochet, Family, Friends, hats, life, Other, photograpy, traveling, yarn

Grandmother Shawl

My grandmother turned 80 years old yesterday. I knitted her this shawl for her birthday and gave it to her. She was happy with it, it is her favorite color and she is always cold so it will keep her shoulders warm.

I Heart Lace

I Heart Lace

I Heart Lace

Pattern: I Heart Lace by Inese Andzane
Yarn: Kambgarn
Needles: 3.5mm

The pattern is free on Ravelry – link here.

I have some other gifts and finished projects but they have not been given away yet so I can’t share just yet.

I also finished one sock on Friday. It has been on my needles for some months and just been a project that I grab every now and then, I am in no rush to finish it really but now that I have one done I am eager to get the other one done also. Hopefully I will not be bitten by the second sock syndrome as I love this pattern and the yarn. The finished sock is so pretty and nice to wear. Yeah, I have been wearing the one sock hahaha!




Pattern: Sprouting by Beata Jezek
Yarn: Hand-dyed sock yarn from Ágústa
Needles: 2.5mm
Ravelry link to the free pattern here.

Also a hat that I knitted for Karítas that turned out to be too small. I am thinking of frogging it (or gifting it) and knitting another one for her that fits better. I still have the same yarn for another bigger hat and she loves this yarn, both the color and the softness.

Honey Hat

Honey Hat

Pattern: Honey Hat by Hannah Fettig
Yarn: Araucania Aysen
Needles: 4mm and 4.5mm
Ravelry link to the free pattern here.


Filed under Clothes, Family, finish, free patterns, gifts, hats, knitting, shawl, socks, yarn