Monthly Archives: April 2009

Purple set of smalls

After I gave my aunt the set of smalls for her birthday gift, her friend loved it so much that my aunt asked me if I was willing to make another set for this friend of hers for her birthday. I just finished these today and again love how they turned out. It is amazing how much a different thread and fabric can do for a design. It sometimes completely changes it. Here are some shots.

Purple set of smalls

Purple set of smalls

Purple set of smalls

Biscornu: Four Little Hearts by Indigo Rose (freebie, no longer available)
Scissor Case: Wildflower Hearts by Indigo Rose (freebie, found here)
Scissor fob: A small portion of Wildflower Hearts

Fabric: 32ct Antique White Belfast by Zweigart
Thread: DMC 52

Now I am going to get back to knitting my cape. I seem to have misplaced the pattern for it though, but I am sure I will find it. It was here somewhere yesterday.

Happy Easter to those celebrating!


Filed under Clothes, Family, finish, Finishing, free patterns, gifts, Happy Dance, knitting, stitching

Beautiful Sunday

I am getting so hopeful that spring is coming. Today and yesterday have been amazing, especially today. I just hope that winter is over. I am so sick of it. Today has been bright and warm and so beautiful. Me and Karítas went to the city center and fed the birds on the pond and took a little walk around. It was just perfect.

Karítas feeding the birds
Karítas feeding the birds

City Hall
Ráðhús Reykjavíkur – Reykjavík City Hall


I have been helping my friend Rósa moving since Wednesday. The apartment that she is moving into was so horribly dirty that we spent the majority of the time cleaning, waxing the floors etc. We had some help with the furniture and all is falling into place now. Yesterday I spent cleaning my own place and I got a new light for my living room that is so pretty. I tried taking pictures of it today but they didn’t turn out that great. I will try again later.

Not much stitching going on since I haven’t spent much time at home lately and when I have been home I have been so tired that I haven’t stitched. I have done a little knitting on my Ebony Cape and then I started a new stitching project.

4 Wishes - WIP
4 Wishes – Just Nan
DMC threads
32ct Light Mocha Belfast

That’s all for now I think. I am going to relax and stitch tonight. I have another set of smalls to do for an order I got through a friend of my aunts. I will leave you with this cute picture of me and Karítas that I took today. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

Karítas and Linda


Filed under arts, Family, Friends, gifts, knitting, life, Other, photograpy, stitching