
I celebrated my birthday early with my stitching group Allt í Kross last night. What a fantastic night it was! About 22 people showed up! That was incredible! I was so happy to have so many talented ladies together in my tiny place. I had a great time and I was showered with incredible gifts! I don’t know how I can ever thank them. The group all got together and gave me this incredible PINK money tree!

Me with my money tree!
Yes, it is decorated with folded money!
Money tree

I have no clue how much is on there, and honestly don’t really care! I don’t know how I am going to bring myself to take the money off, it is just so cool!
I got lots of other gifts and took some pictures and you can see all of them here. I got jewelry, silk floss, Barbapapa themed stuff and other things. Check out the pictures!

And as promised, here is a picture of my Little House Neighborhood.
Little House Neighborhood
Little House Neighborhood
The fourth house was stitched with GAST threads Wood Smoke and Sable. I love how it turned out.

Now I have to finish cleaning up after the party last night, and bake a cake to bring to work tomorrow for my big day! Thanks, from the bottom of my heart to everyone who showed up last night, and to the ones who didn’t make it. You girls make our group very special. Love you guys!


Filed under Allt í kross, Club members from Allt í Kross, Friends, gifts, LHN, LHN SAL, life, Other, stash, stitching, work

20 responses to “Birth(day)week!

  1. Wonderful gifts! You should be very lucky to have such an amazing group of friends/fellow-stitchers!

  2. Looks like a wonderful time!

    And I must say your LHN Neighborhood is gorgeous…You and Nicole are just smokin’ through it!

  3. What a fun birthday. Everyone needs a pink tree–with or without the money! Love your neighborhood too.

  4. Wooow! That is surely the most creative idea ever! A money tree! And in PINK!!! =D
    I bet you had a terrific time, … look at that smile! =)
    Happy (belate) bday, swetie!
    Hugs from sunny Brasil.

  5. Happy B-day sweetie… (in a few hours!)
    I had so much fun over the weekend and last night.
    Love the pic of you and the tree it’s awesome.
    Hugs and kisses

  6. Valda

    Happy belated birthday! Love the pink money tree! Your neighborhood looks wonderful!

  7. Til hamingju með daginn og allar flottu gjafirnar. Vildi svo sannarlega að ég hefði komist. Njóttu vel.
    Knús frá mér

  8. Your neighborhood is stunning. I just love all the changes you have made!

  9. Linda Well a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your work as always beautiful! And yes the house look great! Would look great in my kichen, it is done in that primitive look!

  10. Til hamingju með afmælið
    Njóttu dagsins í botn :o)

  11. I’m Maria from Italy. I never left a commet but I love reading your blog. I really wish you all the best!!!

  12. Happy birthday 🙂
    Your LHN Neighborhood is amazing.
    Have a good time

    Thanks for showing the pictures, you got really nice gifts 🙂 I see you had a wonderful day 🙂
    I wish you all the best!

  14. Björg

    Innilega til hamingju með daginn 🙂 🙂 og njóttu þess í botn að láta dekra eitthvað við þig :).

  15. Happy Birthday Linda! It looks like you had a fantastic time and I love your pink tree!

    Your LHN neighbourhood looks great!

  16. Happy 30th Birthday Linda!! Hope you’re enjoying your special day 🙂

  17. Happy, happy birthday Linda !! Your party sounds like really fun.

  18. Happy Bithday !!!
    WOW! It sounds like a wonderful party and you were so beautiful, with that fantastic pink tree decorated with money! Your stitching group seems to love you so much, you are lucky to have such dear friends!
    Your Neighborhood is gorgeous!

  19. Ekki smá afmæli 🙂 Var þetta stórafmæli? Hvað ertu orðin gömul?

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