Patriotic biscornu scissor fob.

My friend Linda in Texas e-mailed me and asked me if I could make a patriotic scissor fob for her friend Anette who had just gotten some red, white and blue scissors and wanted something pretty do decorate them with. So this is what I came up with. Sorry for the crappy picture, but it is dark and raining here today.
**edit** I just took new pictures of it so now it is more clear and more true in color.

Patriotic biscornu scissor fob

Stitched on 32ct Raw Belfast Linen with WDW floss called Liberty.
Pattern was a freebie (I will link to it when I find where it came from)
Cording was made by using DMC 820, 321 and B5200.
Gold Mill Hill beads used for the edges and a gold star button for the back.


Filed under free patterns, Friends, gifts, Happy Dance, stitching

6 responses to “Patriotic biscornu scissor fob.

  1. icelandmom

    What a beautiful biscornu Linda. Love your stash cupboard too – I can imagine you had fun organizing everything. 🙂

  2. Great fob! i am sure she will love it!

  3. Erla Björk

    Það er allt svo flott sem þú gerir.

  4. cute fob!!! it looks so tiny 🙂

  5. I love this biscornu/fob! I think it’s much prettier in RL.

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